Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Don't Hate Me 'Cause I'm Jewish - Part I

Last Tuesday’s Maimonides class was on Anti-Semitism and I have to say it was quite the eye-opener.

Not that I wasn’t aware of the rampant Anti-Semitism alive and well in today’s world—or the so called “reasons” behind it—but what struck me most were the things they failed to mention to me in Hebrew School or my Genocide in the 20th Century class in high school.

Before I get into that, I’d like to begin this post by stating that Holocaust Education Week occurred earlier this month. For those of you unfamiliar with the event, I’d highly suggest learning more about it. I’m always the first one to say everyone should take the time to learn about other “Remember” Days, Weeks, and Months, but this is certainly one people need to take up the mantle of carrying forward.

The last of the Holocaust survivors are dying. Our children will not have the opportunity to meet them. We must remember—if not for the sake of the millions of people who lost their lives, but for the sake of our children and their children and the future of our world.

One child of Holocaust survivors—Justice Rosalie Abella of the Supreme Court—recently gave a keynote address at a Holocaust event earlier in October. Canada’s role during WWII was certainly better than most, but less than exemplary.

In August, The Star published an article that revealed the existence of a Jewish Internment camp in Ripples, N.B. near Minto. This camp was home to more than 700 Jews and imprisoned others who spoke out against WWII.

Although Canada, like many other countries, did not do much to help the Jews during the war, its postwar efforts provided shelter for 30,000 Jews who lived through the horrors of the Nazi regime. Today, Canada chairs (Mario Silva) the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance—an organization that makes up 31 countries—which sole aim is to “ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust are not forgotten.”

But Canada, and the rest of the alliance’s members, cannot be the only countries to bear the responsibility of carrying on its message. The lessons from genocide itself should be something each and every human being should carry forward. Genocides occurred long before the Holocaust and it has continued to happen since.
However, this post will not speak to the number of genocides that have occurred before and after the Holocaust. My wish is to speak directly to Jewish concerns.

I want to share a particular anecdote with you about my experience as a Jewish person in secular society.

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work as an intern in Jewish Advocacy for B’nai Brith Canada. The only reason I was hired—in all honesty—was because my grandfather, Bill Grosberg, works for the organization and has continued to do so since he was 14 years old. He will be 90 years old next September.

Having only just completed my first year studies during my Bachelor’s degree at Queen’s University, I was asked to compile an emergency contact list for all Synagogues in Canada. Should any far-reaching Anti-Semitic acts occur, B’nai Brith wanted to be able to send out a nation-wide message to those responsible for the security of the synagogues.

During my time as an intern, I was asked to sit in on a conference call involving all B’nai Brith Advocacy members across Canada. Frank Diamont, B’nai Brith Canada’s CEO—at that time the Executive VP— addressed all of us on a very important matter that concerned all North American Jews.

First, I would like to say that I did not personally work for Frank. I was also never involved directly in B’nai Brith’s politics or their role in the Jewish North American world. So if anyone wants me to comment on what’s going on with them, I haven’t the faintest idea. Besides, gramps has been showing these entries to the good folks at the Hove Street office, so I rather just say HI GRANDPA I LOVE YOU! and move on.
My reason in bringing up my previous internship is merely to retell a scenario that Frank spoke of almost seven years ago when I worked there.

He described the situation for Jews in Toronto as dire, that the horrors of the Holocaust were by no means behind us but irrevocably part of our futures. That if there was someone else, who possessed the charisma and ambition of Hitler, who rose to power, they could—like Hitler—just as easily round up the Jewish people and deposit them into a ghetto that could, and would, fill the core of Toronto.

I scoffed then, all those years ago. I felt the assessment to be extremist and borderline paranoid.
But here I am, years later, and my eyes are finally open. I started paying attention to the news. I started listening more to how people talk. And I’m beginning to understand how people think.

We’re all away of the internet being full of slander, libel, and propaganda. But this one takes the cake: http://whitewraithe.wordpress.com/2012/12/08/britains-jewish-royal-family/.

I can’t even begin to describe how utterly ridiculous some people are. Yes, the Jews are taking over Britain! That’s something we should be concerned about. Nevermind that Britain committed multiple genocides over many centuries as it climbed itself into the position of World Super Power towards the end of the nineteenth century. No, what we should be freaking out about is that Jewish people are marrying into the British Royal Family. Because that family is just so gosh-darn powerful.

Most of the world hates Jewish people. Most of the world hates everyone. But if genocide is still happening, if people can still talk about each other in such outlandish ways, who’s to say that North America won’t one day – as a whole – turn against the Jews? Or any other minority for that matter.

It took one man to wipe out two-thirds of European Jewry. What if Canada decides it no longer wants to put up with us anymore? Even then, when “None was too many” http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/socstud/foundation_gr6/blms/6-2-4f.pdf —what if the government suddenly decides it no longer wants to help us carry our burden? Not simply the burden of carrying the message of the Holocaust forward, but the burden of being Jewish in a world that is apparently not quite over the idea of obliterating Jews from this world?

How long can the memory of the Holocaust haunt us until its message runs its course?

What do most people think of when they think of the Jews? They think, of course, of the Holocaust.

What does it mean when a group of people are remembered only for the fact that someone tried to exterminate them?

Nevermind that out of eight of the individuals who have won Nobel Prizes this year, 6 are Jewish, 2 are Israeli, and 1 is a Holocaust survivor. Nevermind that although the Jews make up 0.2% of the world’s population, roughly 23% of Nobel Prize winners are Jewish or have Jewish ancestry. Nevermind that of the two percent of American Jews, 40% are billionaires and over 45% of the gifts made to charity are made by Jewish Americans. Nevermind that some of the most famous people in the world—academics, actors, directors, etc. alike are Jewish.

But the fact remains that we’re a tiny bunch of people. And some people are paranoid that we’re trying to take over the world? Yes, Jews have their hands in a lot of things, but so do countless other Christians. Why aren’t we freaking out about Christianity taking over? Oh wait, it already did! That’s why we have Christmas off and not any other non-Christian holiday. Certain sectors of Christianity are all about conversion. Jewish people don’t push for conversion. They allow it to happen if that’s what people want, but it’s nowhere on their list of things to accomplish. Logically speaking, if Jews were seriously interested in taking over the world, don’t you think they’d want to up their numbers?

People have been trying to kill us since biblical times. People still want us dead. It isn’t easy being Jewish, just like it isn’t easy being any minority in this world. But we don’t hear anything about people being pissed off that Christians run the world. Because most people are Christian.

So what has enabled the Jew to survive for so many centuries? And what has the Jew given to humanity?

In Rabbi Ken Spiro’s World Perfect: the Jewish Impact on Civilization, he writes that he conducted a series of surveys asking people to list the fundamental values and principles needed to uphold humanity in our world.

Of the 1,500 individuals surveyed—Westerners and Europeans—6 central categories were decided upon:
  •     Respect for human life
  •     Peace and harmony
  •     Justice and equality
  •        Education
  •        Family
  •        Social responsibility

He then wanted to know where these universal values came from. Many of the respondents felt that these ideas originated from the Hellenists—the Greeks and Romans.

Surely Greece and Rome changed the entire world, especially in art, beauty, philosophy, government, and science. But what about values, ethics, and principles?

For the purpose of time, I’m going to run through a quick history lesson.

The Greeks and Romans practiced infanticide. They did this for two reasons: population control and eradicating “burdensome” (aka deformed) members of society.

We know this to be true from Euripides, Ion as well as the archaeological excavations—in the Athenian Agora—containing the remains of 175 babies thrown there to drown.

Even Aristotle himself writes in Politics that “There must be a law that no imperfect or maimed child shall be brought up. And to avoid an excess in population, some children must be exposed. For a limit must be fixed to the population of the state” (VII. 16).

The Romans also engaged in exploitation of the innocent—mutilating unwanted children to make them useful for begging. Unfortunately, this practice still occurs in India today.

Seneca himself remarks on the fact that these children have been done a “service” because they are now made useful through their deformities.

Let us not forget the fact that it was the Romans who first turned murder into an exhibition.
More than 200 stadiums were erected so that Romans could witness the barbaric “sport” of extinguishing human life.

Emperor Augustus, during his reign (29 BC to 14 CE) staged games where 10,000 men fought and 3500 wild beasts were slain.

Did you really think the Coliseum was merely an architectural wonder to be gazed at? No. The stadium seated 50,000 people. Its floor and roof could be raised or lowered; it could be transformed into a desert or a jungle; it could even be filled with water and turned into a lake so that boats could sail in it.

It was the ultimate theatre and its primary purpose was to stage the brutal killing of human and animal life.
We know the positive and negative things that the Greeks and Romans did for this world.

We can easily say that every religion, culture, race, ethnicity contributed in the shaping of the modern world. In terms of the Greeks and Romans, we can certainly thank them for a kind of legal order, but we certainly did not inherit our belief in the sanctity of human life from them.

So what have the Jewish people done? What can be said about the Jews?

John Adams, second president of the United States once said: “I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation … fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.”

Mark Twain, famous American writer, in an article entitled “Concerning the Jews” in Harper’s Magazine published in 1899, wrote rather poetically:

”...If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. … The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

Friedrich Neitzche, the German philosopher who famously said “God is Dead”, wrote: “The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe; they know how to succeed even under the worst conditions (in fact better than under favorable ones) by means of virtues of some sort… It is certain that the Jew, if he desired-or if they were driven to it, as the anti-Semites seem to wish-could now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe; that they are not working or planning for that end is equally sure… The resourcefulness of the modern Jews, both in mind and soul, is extraordinary…”

Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer and philosopher, wrote in 1908: “What is the Jew?...What kind of unique creature is this whom all the rulers of all the nations of the world have disgraced and crushed and expelled and destroyed; persecuted, burned and drowned, and who, despite their anger and their fury, continues to live and to flourish. … The Jew - is the symbol of eternity. ... He is the one who for so long had guarded the prophetic message and transmitted it to all mankind. A people such as this can never disappear. The Jew is eternal. He is the embodiment of eternity.”

But most strikingly, what did HITLER, and his right-hand men—the man, and group of men, who swore to annihilate the Jewish people from existence—have to say about the Jew?

In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that “Conscience is a Jewish invention.”

The man who wished to eradicate us believed that Jews invented conscience. As the inventors of conscience, he considered the Jew to be the upholder and perpetuator of morality and social responsibility.

By destroying the Jew, Hitler believed that he was “freeing men from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge; from the dirty and degrading modifications of a chimera called conscience and morality”.

Hitler didn’t want to kill the Jew because of the Jew’s religion. He wanted to kill the Jew because, for Hitler, the Jew was the embodiment of all that was good in the world.

Moreover, Hitler also wrote that:

“If only one country, for whatever reason, tolerates a Jewish family in it, that family will become the germ center for fresh sedition. If one little Jewish boy survives without any Jewish education, with no synagogue and no Hebrew school, it [Judaism] is in his soul. Even if there had never been a synagogue or a Jewish school or an Old Testament, the Jewish spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning and there is no Jew, not a single one, who does not personify it.”

(Hitler’s Apocalypse by Robert Wistrich, p. 122.)

Hitler not only wanted to wipe out the Jew in body, but also in spirit.

He may have murdered many of my ancestors. He may be responsible for the millions of Holocaust deniers out there. He may be responsible for the perpetuation of Jewish hatred. And he may even be responsible for the spirit of hatred itself that still exists in this world.

But he isn’t getting my soul. And no matter what I read or hear about people bad-mouthing the Jews, I refuse to reject or ignore my history. I will, as Hitler said, personify the Jewish spirit.

Because at the end of the day, although Hitler set out to destroy the Jew—and anyone else who didn’t fit into his “perfect” world—he was really out to destroy our humanity itself.

I think within every human being there exists the light of inherent goodness, no matter what religion they happen to be.

All that matters is that we do what’s right. Not right by our religious code, but right by a transcendent ethical standard of morality.

The Golden Rule, folks. It really is that simple.

For the next few posts, I intend to delve into the crazy antisemitism that seems to be taking over Europe. I really want to get into the nitty gritty of what people believe about Jews. Because some of it is utterly ridiculous and the bulk of it is actually terrifying.

I have to admit, I'm becoming more and more terrified as I continue to read about it.


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